Navigating Facebook Leads


Go to or you can just go to the page and click on messages.

This is the first message they'll receive when they click "Get started" on the Ad

If they answered Not now, this is the message they'll get

This is the flow when they are interested in scheduling a tour.

To organize the leads, change the Lead Stage to Not Now, or Qualified (if they want said Yes)

Click Lead Center to view all the Leads and this view also makes it easy to see

This is how it looks. Some unqualified Leads does not reflect in the Intake but all those who finished the flow will show here. You can drag and drop them whether they answered Not Now or if they are Qualified

You can click them so that a chat and some description will show on the right side about the lead

You can send them messages directly.

You can assign the lead, change the stage, schedule a reminder, or add some notes about the lead.

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