CivicBase Issue


To start the process visit and click "Take Photo".

Keep clicking next until you get to parse

Here is the Json code that our API provides which has been checked as valid.

After the first parse gets the following error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token { in JSON at position 42 at JSON.parse () at eval (eval at build_function (/var/task/util/util_harness.js:37:12), :10:17) at eval (eval at build_function (/var/task/util/util_harness.js:37:12), :22:8) at /var/task/plugin_api_v4_alpha.js:198:35 at harness (/var/task/harness.js:115:21) at /var/task/harness.js:154:70 at withGlobalHandlers (/var/task/harness.js:66:41) at Runtime.myHandler [as handler] (/var/task/harness.js:154:16) at Runtime.handleOnceNonStreaming (file:///var/runtime/index.mjs:1173:29)

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