How to use Reachout with any autoresponder (even if it doesn’t allow third party video embedding)

Navigate to Step 4 of your campaign.

Click on 3rd Party Integration.

Click to open the drop-down menu to choose your CRM or email tool.

Choose the application that you want to use.

For this tutorial, we're going to use MailShake for demonstration.

Once the application is selected, this HTML embed code will appear.

Click on the "Copy" button to copy the embed code.

Paste the embed code in a notepad.

Navigate to the email sequence in the application that you're using to send out emails.

Click on the "Add Image" button.

Once this window opens,

copy the highlighted second part of the HTML embed code from the notepad,

and paste it in the "Source" field.

Click on the "Save" button.

Click on the newly added image placeholder to select it.

Once selected, click on the "Insert Link" button.

Once this window opens,

copy the highlighted first part of the HTML embed code from the notepad,

and paste it in the "URL" field.

Click on the "Save" button.

The thumbnail has now been added to the email manually, since the platform didn't allow direct HTML embed code integration.

Click on "Create" to save your outgoing email draft and proceed to the next step.

Click on 'Done! Proceed to Step 2' button in your ReachOut campaign's Integration step where you first copied the embed code from.

Choose the method you'd like to use to send videos to your campaign once they are ready.

For this tutorial, we'll use the CSV method to manually download the CSV file from the dashboard by clicking the "Export" button under the campaign once the videos are ready in the Library.

Click on CSV to choose this method.

Then click on "Done! Save and proceed" button.

Proceed to Step 5; "Publish"

and activate your campaign. Once your campaign is activated, videos will start generating sequentially and will be available to view in the Library.

After navigating to the dashboard, click on the "Export" button to download the CSV file containing the list of leads and the URLs for the videos generated for each of those leads. Remember to only click on the "Export" button once all of the videos have been generated in the Library.

You successfully completed the guide!