How to Remote Desktop Connection

How to Remote Desktop Connect to your assigned workstation.

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to remote access your assigned work station on your home computer.

Open the Search and start typing Remote Desktop Connection

Click on Remote Desktop Connection and open up the application.

Click and Expand the Menu Option

If you have Dual Monitors and would like to use both for the work station, click the "Display" Tab.

Checkmark this Item

Click on Local Resources

Click on this Button

We recommend selecting the options that allow your Remote PC to communicate with your Local PC. The following selections will allow you to copy and paste between your Remote PC and Local PC as well as use any peripherals in your Remote PC.

Press OK after selecting your options.

Click on the Advanced Tab

Select the Don't Warn Me option.

Go back to the General Tab

Enter in the Server IP that was given to you.

Enter in the Username that was given to you.

Check mark Allow me to save Credentials

Click on Save As to save this Profile to your Desktop.

Ensure that you save this RDP to your Desktop for easy access.

Title the RDP Profile something you can remember and identify our workstation.

Click on Save

The RDP Profile is now saved on your desktop for easy access.

Double click the Icon to Connect to the workstation.

Click on this Checkmark

Click on Connect.

Enter in the Password that was given to you.

Select Remember Me

Click on OK

Click on this Checkmark

Press "Yes" to continue.

You are now connected to the Workstation can perform work.

Disconnect from the Workstation by hovering your mouse at the top middle of the display. A hover menu will show where you can press "X" to disconnect.

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