Getting Started With Automator

Get Started with automator tool.

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35 steps

8 months ago

Automator Tool Folder
Automator Tool Folder
Inside the tool folder
Inside the tool folder
Look for GetAutomator.exe file
Look for GetAutomator.exe file
Version of the tool you purchased.
Version of the tool you purchased.
This section help you to configure the path of the output folder where you want to generate your project code. This is one time activity.
This section help you to configure the path of the output folder where you want to generate your project code. This is one time activity.
Once path is set click on continue
Once path is set click on continue
Register new licence form
Register new licence form
Purchase code from CodeCanyon or
Purchase code from CodeCanyon or
Select purchased from in this select box.
Select purchased from in this select box.
Click to register
Click to register
Once register you can find list of your licence here.
Once register you can find list of your licence here.
Click on 'Generate' button to continue
Click on 'Generate' button to continue
The tool name. Here you are going to generate PHP REST API from MySQL
The tool name. Here you are going to generate PHP REST API from MySQL
Provide your project name here. e.g eshopAPI
Provide your project name here. e.g eshopAPI
This is the folder its going to generate the code. Base path was configured in the starting of the tool. You can change the path if required.
This is the folder its going to generate the code. Base path was configured in the starting of the tool. You can change the path if required.
Provide your database credentials here
Provide your database credentials here
Or paste your connection string directly here.
Or paste your connection string directly here.
Click on "Test Connection" button to make sure everythig is correct.
Click on "Test Connection" button to make sure everythig is correct.
Once the connection is correct you can see the list of tables here.
Once the connection is correct you can see the list of tables here.
Select list of table to proceed to next step.
Select list of table to proceed to next step.
If you have selected atleast one table you will see the option to select authentication type.
If you have selected atleast one table you will see the option to select authentication type.
Hardcoded means the username/password will be hard coded to the source code. (Easy option if you just want to test)
Hardcoded means the username/password will be hard coded to the source code. (Easy option if you just want to test)
Authentication table option is good and secure option if you have some kind of user table in your database.
Authentication table option is good and secure option if you have some kind of user table in your database.
This is hard coded value you can replace.
This is hard coded value you can replace.
In PHP REST API there is option to genereate multi-tenant supported API. (May not have this option in all the other Automator tool)
In PHP REST API there is option to genereate multi-tenant supported API. (May not have this option in all the other Automator tool)
If you want to configure your own authentication table than select this option.
If you want to configure your own authentication table than select this option.
Select your auth table e.g Users
Select your auth table e.g Users
Select which column will act as username e.g Email, or username column
Select which column will act as username e.g Email, or username column
Select which column will act as password column. e.g Password
Select which column will act as password column. e.g Password
Once you are happy with Authentication type and table selection. Click on "Generate" button
Once you are happy with Authentication type and table selection. Click on "Generate" button
On click of Generate button the tool will analyze your database and generate the REST API Accordingly.
On click of Generate button the tool will analyze your database and generate the REST API Accordingly.
Read the full logs here. This help you to contact support for any bug fix or any error in generation.
Read the full logs here. This help you to contact support for any bug fix or any error in generation.
You output folder
You output folder
Your generated source code.
Your generated source code.
We will look into the code in detail in next video. Thanks for watching.
Please visit to know more.
We will look into the code in detail in next video. Thanks for watching.<div>Please visit to know more.</div>