How to create a project in Google Cloud to use with Gmail Integration

This tutorial will walks you through the steps to create a Gmail API project in Google Cloud, and get the Client ID and Client Secret, that you will need to use with Gmail integration in FlowMattic

Click Create or Select a Project

Click, New Project button

Enter your project name here

Click Create button to create your project

Go to the project dashboard, and then click APIs & Services

Click the Enable APIs and Services button

Find the Gmail API, and click the box to open the service page

Click Enable button to enable the Gmail API. It will take a minute to enable the API.

Once the Gmail API is enabled, Click Create Credentials button displayed on the screen.

On the Credentials screen, choose the data type as User Data and click Next

In the Scopes, Click Add or Remove Scopes button to add the required API scopes

Select the check boxes for Modify and Compose scopes

Click UPDATE button to save the selected scopes


In the OAuth Client ID step, set the Application Type as Web Application. And, enter the name you want to identify the credentials with

Next, Click ADD URI button to add the redirect URL.

Enter the Redirect URL here as shown in the box. You will find it in FlowMattic Connects when you are adding the Gmail Integration connect. Next, click Create button.

You're done with creating the credentials. Now, click DONE button.

Now, click Credentials menu from the right side panel. You will be redirected to the Credentials screen.

Click the Credentials name you just created.

Copy Client ID

Copy Client Secret and store it somewhere.

Then, click Save button.

You successfully completed the guide!

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