How to Deploy Your Astro Site to Cloudflare Pages

Learn how to deploy Astro sites to Cloudflare Pages for fast and scalable hosting with this beginner-friendly, step-by-step guide.

Let's start deploying!

Open your Astro project and push it to your Git repository.

Log in to your Cloudflare account

Select Overview

Click Create

Select Pages

Click Connect to Git

Click Connect GitHub

Click Install & Authorize

Select your repository to deploy

Click Begin setup

Set up your project details

Select Astro

Click Save and Deploy

Cloudflare Pages is building and deploying your Astro site

Once completed, click the link to view your live Astro site!

Make some changes locally and push them to your Git repository.

Cloudflare Pages will automatically start a new build.

Your site will be updated with the latest changes!

You successfully completed the guide!

Read Tutorial