Costblok - Feasibility Study (Part 1/2)

This tutorial will guide you through the feasibility builder. Part 1 goes into detail with the expenses. Part 2 will explain the income sources and how to conclude the feasibility study.

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33 steps

2 months ago

Hello, and welcome to this tutorial, where we’ll guide you through how to compile a Feasibility Report. Let’s get started.
Hello, and welcome to this tutorial, where we’ll guide you through how to compile a Feasibility Report. Let’s get started.
From your project dashboard, click on the project you’ve created.
From your project dashboard, click on the project you’ve created.
On the project’s main page, navigate to the Feasibility tab to open the Feasibility Builder.
On the project’s main page, navigate to the Feasibility tab to open the Feasibility Builder.
The Feasibility Builder is divided into the 8 tabs above, which are divided into 3 sections.
The Feasibility Builder is divided into the 8 tabs above, which are divided into 3 sections.
Firstly, all the project's expenses
Firstly, all the project's expenses
Secondly, all the income sources.
Secondly, all the income sources.
And lastly, all the necessary notes for the report.
And lastly, all the necessary notes for the report.
On the left, you’ll find a cost summary that provides an instant overview of all the populated costs.
On the left, you’ll find a cost summary that provides an instant overview of all the populated costs.
The first tab is Land Costs, which includes various categories of costs related to acquiring and preparing the land. Fill in all the relevant fields.
The first tab is Land Costs, which includes various categories of costs related to acquiring and preparing the land. Fill in all the relevant fields.
Site Acquisition Costs: These refer to the actual cost of the land and all expenses directly related to acquiring it, such as conveyancing fees, transfer costs, and holding costs.
Site Acquisition Costs: These refer to the actual cost of the land and all expenses directly related to acquiring it, such as conveyancing fees, transfer costs, and holding costs.
All relevant site preparation costs, if required
All relevant site preparation costs, if required
Any municipal connections or contributions required
Any municipal connections or contributions required
And all monthly expenses during the development, which includes all recurring costs such as rates, taxes, and other monthly operational expenses.
And all monthly expenses during the development, which includes all recurring costs such as rates, taxes, and other monthly operational expenses.
Click the + button to add any additional line items under each category if necessary.
Click the + button to add any additional line items under each category if necessary.
Hover over any tooltip icon for item descriptions.
Hover over any tooltip icon for item descriptions.
Next is the Construction Costs tab, which focuses on the direct costs of building the project.
Next is the Construction Costs tab, which focuses on the direct costs of building the project.
This includes general site related works,
This includes general site related works,
building costs,
building costs,
and pre-contract and post-contract escalation on construction costs.
and pre-contract and post-contract escalation on construction costs.
To add any building costs, simply click "Add Building"
To add any building costs, simply click "Add Building"
Here you can list different areas or buildings, and apply a cost per construction area to each.
Here you can list different areas or buildings, and apply a cost per construction area to each.
Exclude any areas which doesn't form part of your Gross Floor Areas. This is necessary to calculate the floor efficiency ratio.
Exclude any areas which doesn't form part of your Gross Floor Areas. This is necessary to calculate the floor efficiency ratio.
Next, Professional Fees, for all the core consultants required for the project.
Next, Professional Fees, for all the core consultants required for the project.
You can either enter a percentage in order to calculate the value,
You can either enter a percentage in order to calculate the value,
or you can enter the value, then Costblok will calculate the percentage.
or you can enter the value, then Costblok will calculate the percentage.
Add any General Costs where required, which includes sundry fees, development management fees and development contingency allowances.
Add any General Costs where required, which includes sundry fees, development management fees and development contingency allowances.
The Finance Costs tab details the funding-related expenses for the project.
The Finance Costs tab details the funding-related expenses for the project.
The financing fees include costs for raising and registering bonds, as well as bank guarantees, if needed. These costs are added to the capital outlay amount.
The financing fees include costs for raising and registering bonds, as well as bank guarantees, if needed. These costs are added to the capital outlay amount.
Specify the equity contribution percentages, interest rates, and repayment terms for both the land costs and the development costs.
Specify the equity contribution percentages, interest rates, and repayment terms for both the land costs and the development costs.
The interest, or cost of capital is also added to the capital outlay amount. Enter the period, interest rates and coefficients.
The interest, or cost of capital is also added to the capital outlay amount. Enter the period, interest rates and coefficients.
Then indicate the delayed tax repayment period, interest rate and coefficient.
Then indicate the delayed tax repayment period, interest rate and coefficient.
We've now included all expenses for our project. Thank you for watching Part 1 of our Feasibility Report tutorial.
We've now included all expenses for our project. Thank you for watching Part 1 of our Feasibility Report tutorial.
In the next tutorial, we'll continue with Part 2, where we'll add the income sources and conclude the feasibility study.
In the next tutorial, we'll continue with Part 2, where we'll add the income sources and conclude the feasibility study.